Our think tank is an academic/intellectual organization that is focused upon researching, propagating and concretely affecting social-political change. Effective think tanks by definition consist of a small number of scholars, writers, and speakers who are experts in their respective fields, properly credentialed, and recognized as so by their peers, and who represent to the maximal degree the ideas and vision of the think tank. Such a group of scholars form a closely-knit team working collaboratively toward the same goal. Thus, think tanks by nature focus on the quality of intellectual output, rather than quantity of human bodies involved. The following scholars are the primary collaborators for the Center for the Study of Dharma and Civilization.
Director – Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya
Board of Advisors:
Dr. David Frawley
American Institute for Vedic Studies
Professor Ramdas Lamb
University of Hawaii
Professor Parmender Mehta
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Professor Ramesh Rao
Longwood University, Communications Dept. Chair
Professor Daniel Wilkins
University of Nebraska, Physics Dept. Chair
Mr. John Morgan
Editor-in-Chief, Arktos Media
Webmaster & Designer – Tulasi Devi